Among Us Logic Wiki



Please do not put things like "Obviously" on character pages. It's uneccasary and uneeded. Thanks!


This post was made by years and didnt get removed


Among Us Logic Wiki

Okay, this is a VERY important wiki news blog post and would probably be the biggest drama the wiki has ever faced so let's cut to the chase. Welcome to Wiki News 24, this blog post will only have one annoucement in it but it's a BIG one, one that many people who have been in the wiki for the past year would be shocked by. But regardless, welcome to Wiki News 24.

Poly has been banned from the wiki[]

This is probably a VERY shocking annoucement to a lot of people. Why would PolyDev, an amazing admin who has helped the wiki grow be banned? This is going to be providing some explanation for why this has happend and exsposing Poly. This wiki news is going to be more like a exspoed video, but regardless let's begin.

If you don't know or are new to the wiki, PolyDev is an admin on this wiki, she has undeniably helped the wiki grow and make the pages a lot better as a result. So it deffiently came as a shock to me when I started hearing about the stuff she was doing.

In August I got a DM on discord from a user who wishes to be anonymous who told me that apparently PolyDev has been banned from the NewScape Pro discord server multiple times and has made plenty of alt accounts to get back into it. The user told me that she was banned due to saying that FNFL would make her commit war crimes. This was a pretty big shock for me, so I tried to get Poly into a group chat to talk to her about this stuff, however she never got the invite.

After a while earlier today I got another DM from the user, and they showed me screenshots from poly's NFSW Rp server....ya.

These screenshots range from questionable...

Screenshot 2022 0919 173001


Screenshot 2022 0919 173722
Screenshot 2022 0919 174601

....ya, these images are very questionable. From saying she'll make art shiping to...that last screenshot, these are very questionable screen shots.

So, ya, that's the quick reason why I'm gonna ban poly, I know this news will be shocking to a lot of people and I was even suprised at this, but regardless we don't need people like this one our wiki.


This might be the most shocking news the wiki has gotten yet, but thanks for reading this and see you in wiki news 25. Bye.....
